Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

A. Skyljo, is a privately managed platform to help get niche technologies for skilled workers. ("hereinafter referred to as “Skyljo", "We", "Our" in the alternative).
B. Skyljo is a skill certification Platform offering to certify physical skillsets of applications through a video-based platform. Skyljo also hosts its own website at enlisting details and information of the services provided/rendered by Skyljo.
C. Skyljo also has a mobile phone application for Android and iOS platforms in the future that will be referred by any name meant for meaningful business purpose as stated above. (the URLs and mobile application together referred to as "Websites" and individually a "Website").
D. Any user intending to access the information and services provided by Skyljo is referred to as 'You' or '‘Your' refer to You as the user accessing and availing services on the Website/s and/or the mobile applications ("Service").
E. Skyljo strives and aims towards safeguarding Your privacy and in its commitment, this privacy policy ("Privacy Policy") applies to the collection, use, storage, processing, disclosure and transfer of Your Information (defined below) when You use the Website and/or the Services.

1.1.By clicking on the "I accept' button on the website/webpage/appcontaining the Terms and conditions of Use or by providingSkyljo your Personal Information or by accessing to avail and/orview the contents of the website, You hereby unconditionallyconsent to the collection, storage, processing, disclosure andtransfer of Your Information in accordance with the provisionsof this Privacy Policy.

1.2.You acknowledge that all Information personal and/or otherwisehas been provided under Your free will.

1.3.You have the option/choice of not providing/sharing/giving yourPersonal Information sought to be collected by the Website. Theconsent can be withdrawn by you and such withdrawal ofconsent must be communicated by you to Skyljo in a writtencommunication, stating the reasons for such withdrawal ofconsent.

1.4.If You do not provide Skyljo Your Personal Information or if Youwithdraw the consent at any point in time, Skyljo may refuseaccess to the various services and information on the website andyou shall have no further access to the website, unless a freshconsent is given by you by accepting/pressing “I accept”.

2.1. Skyljo reserves it’s right to update this Privacy Policy from timeto time. The Privacy Policy expressly indicates the date when thePrivacy Policy was last updated.

2.2.In the event this privacy policy undergoes any change, the sameshall be intimated to you the next time you access the Website.

2.3.You will be required to provide Your consent once again to theamendments before You proceed. If You do not agree to theamendments, you are requested not to access the website andavail our services any further.

3.1.The kinds of information that Skyljo collect about you includePersonal Information and Non-Personal Information. PersonalInformation and Non-Personal Information are collectivelyreferred to as "Information".

3.2.Personal Information is data collected that can be used touniquely identify or contact You. Personal Information for thepurposes of this Privacy Policy shall include, but not be limitedto:• Name.• Birth date.• Email address, postal address and/or address forcommunication.• Gender.• financial information such as Bank account or credit card ordebit card or such other payment related details as may berequired.• physical, physiological and mental health condition.• sexual orientation; medical records and history.• Login ID and password.• Location.• _________ (include all information to be collected)

3.3.The Skyljo website and the mobile application may also seekpermissions to access camera, microphone, andphonebook/contact data on the device at such instances andplaces as may be required.

3.4.Skyljo may also collect information other than PersonalInformation from You through the Website when You visit and/or use the Website. Such information may be stored in serverlogs. Such Non-Personal Information would not assist Skyljo toidentify You personally. Such Non-Personal Information mayinclude.• (I) Your usage details such as time, frequency, duration andpattern of use, features used, and the amount of storage used.• Master and transaction data and other data stored in Your useraccount.• Internet Protocol address, browser type, browser language,referring URL,• files accessed, errors generated, time zone, operating system andother.• visitor details collected in log files.

4.1.The methods by which Skyljo collect Your Information includeinter alia the following:• Registration.• Creating a profile.• You provide Your Information.• Use of features on Our Website.• Accessing Website or Services.• Cookies.

5.1.Information collected is used for facilitating:• Using the Website.• Availing and utilizing Skyljo Services.• Responding to Inquiries.• Providing information about products and services.• Personalizing User experience.• Address user problems and technical problems.• For proper administering of the Website.• Internal reviews and data analysis.• Responding to judicial process.• Provide information to law enforcement agencies or inconnection with an investigation on matters related to publicsafety, as permitted by law.• Conduct analytical studies on various aspects including userbehaviour, user preferences etc.• Disclosures as may be required under applicable law and(above uses collectively referred to as "Purpose(s)")

6.1.Skyljo may exchange, transfer, share, part with all or any ofYour information, across borders and from Your country to anyother countries across the world with Our affiliates / agents /third party service providers / partners / banks and financialinstitutions for the Purposes specified under this privacy Policyor as may be required by applicable law or in case of sale,acquisition, merger or bankruptcy involving Skyljo.

6.2.You acknowledge that it is adequate that when Skyljo transfersYour Information to any other entity within or outside yourcountry of residence, Skyljo will place contractual obligationson the transferee which will oblige the transferee to adhere tothe provisions of this Privacy Policy.

7.1.The security of Your Personal Information is important toSkyljo. Skyljo have implemented reasonable security practicesand procedure to ensure that the Personal Information(protected personal information) collected is secure. You agreethat such measures are secured and adequate.

7.2.Skyljo restrict access to Your Personal Information to Our andOur affiliates' employees, agents, third party service providers,partners, and agencies on a “need to know” basis and thePersonal Information in relation to the Purposes as specifiedabove in this Privacy Policy and provided that such entitiesagree to abide by this Privacy Policy.

7.3.While Skyljo will endeavour to take all reasonable andappropriate steps to keep secure any information which Skyljohold about You and prevent unauthorized access, youacknowledge that the internet is not 100% secure and that Skyljocannot provide any absolute assurance regarding the securityof Your Personal Information. Skyljo or any member of itsmanagement will not be liable in any way in relation to anybreach of security or unintended loss or disclosure ofinformation caused by Skyljo in relation to Your PersonalInformation.

8.1. Skyljo may store temporary or permanent 'cookies' on Yourcomputer. A cookie is a small piece of data that is sent to Yourbrowser from a web server and stored on Your computer's harddrive. A cookie cannot read data off Your hard disk or readcookie files created by other sites. Once You close Your browser,the cookie simply terminates. For instance, by setting a cookieon Your browser, you would not have to log in a passwordmore than once, thereby saving time while on the Websites. Youcan choose whether to accept cookies by changing the settingsof Your browser. You can reset Your browser to refuse allcookies or allow Your browser to show You when a cookie isbeing sent. If You reject the cookies on the websites, you maystill be able to use the Websites, but it shall be limited to certainminimal functionality. The only drawback to this is that Youmay be limited only to some areas of the Websites or limited tocertain functions of the Websites. Some of Our businesspartners may use cookies on the Websites. Please note that Skyljo have no access to or control over such cookies. Skyljo andOur business partners may use cookies to better personalize thecontent, banners, and promotions that You see on the Websites.

9.1.The Websites may contain links to other 3rd party sites. The 3rdparty sites are not within the control of Skyljo. Please note thatSkyljo is not responsible for the privacy practices of such 3rdparty sites. Skyljo encourages You to be aware when You leavethe Websites and to read the privacy policies of each and every3rd party site that collects personal information. If You decide toaccess any of the third-party sites linked to the Websites, youdo this entirely at Your own risk. Any links to any partner ofthe Websites is the responsibility of the linking party, and Skyljoshall not be responsible for notification of any change in nameor location of any information on the Websites.

10.1. If any of Your Personal Information has undergone any changessince it was last provided/shared with Skyljo and in the event,You would like to update or correct Your Personal Information,You may send updates and corrections to Skyljo by sendingSkyljo an email at and Skyljo will take allreasonable efforts to assist you with the same. If Your PersonalInformation is stored as part of Your profile on the Website, youcan update Your profile on the profile pages of the Websites.

11.1. You are not allowed to use/access the Website, mobileapplication and our Services if any of the terms and conditionsof this Privacy Policy conflict with any Law/Rule/Regulation inyour country or where any sharing of information as may berequired is forbidden by your governing law.

11.2. Skyljo believes in abiding by Laws and statutes and anyuse/access by you in contravention to the governing law shallnot make Skyljo liable in any manner which is expresslyaccepted by you.

11.3. Any information shared/collected/used is the soleresponsibility of the giver of the information and Skyljo will notbe held liable for the same under any circumstances.

2.1. Skyljo has implemented a customer service team for resolvingof any concerns regarding the processing of Your PersonalInformation. The customer service can be accessed by sendingan email to and Skyljo will offer the bestpossible and feasible solution to resolve Your issues in a timelymanner.The choice of the customer in selection of tools, skills, jobpostings, appropriate ability to perform the skill, equipmentused, procedure used, consumables used, safety precautionstaken or any such procedural intervention which is initiated, isthe sole discretion of the customer/applicant and the clientorganisation and Skyljo has no role to play it
NOTE: Skyljo reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to change,modify, add or delete portions of the terms of this Privacy Policyat any time and such changes are consented to be accepted byyou unless expressly denied and such denial is communicatedin writing to Skyljo.
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